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Most Common Dreams (And Nightmares) People With Anxiety Have

Some people have very vivid dreams, others don't remember them at all. However, every person dreams and usually have 8 to 10 dreams per night. We dream all our lives, from birth to death, our mind constantly produces dreams while our bodies rest. What are the most common dreams and nightmares we have?


Falling is one of the most common dreams. If you feel that something is going over your head, or you are under the pressure of a task or duty, these anxious feelings may appear in your nightmare in the form of falling from a great height. Your specific reaction in this nightmare is likely to reflect your reaction to an event in real life. It may also mean that things are not going according to plan or that your plans are "falling" through your fingers.

Being chased

Another very common dream is to be chased by various things, animals or people. The most common interpretation of this type of dream is that you are constantly running away from something and you have to face the situation. A dream can also mean that you feel a threat from someone or something from outside that scares you or otherwise hurts you. Some interpret this dream as a sign of impending danger. Remember as many details from your dream as possible so you can get the precise interpretation.


This dream shows that you are increasing your confidence, usually in connection with a new challenge, a new task. Sometimes it can also mean the first stage of love, fresh falling in love. Take advantage of a time when you have more confidence to solve the problems that are bothering you in your life. It's time to face them and solve everything so you will have a clean plate. Dream about flying can be both pleasant or a nightmare, depending on the action and situation at the given time.

Spiders and Snakes

Dreams about spiders mean a few things. You either have to clean up, organize or link broken personal ties with close people, or something is making your life more complicated. Snakes swarming around you mean you live in a long-lasting tension that destroys you. Dreams about snakes can also symbolize someone stalking or chasing you.


It is no exception that we often dream about cheating; sometimes even on our current partner with the previous one. According to several dream dictionaries, these dreams as such are influenced by many things that we experience in the day, we see on the Internet, read, and so on. When it comes to cheating on your currect partner with someone completely strange, a person can be the object of this dream just because you are intrigued by something, or you find it attractive. And such a moment simply "stuck" somewhere in the brain and at night he came to the surface in the dream.

Death or dying

It's natural to have dreams about death, especially when you're struggling with something difficult in your life. The important thing is not to dwell on the negative emotions of these dreams and try to find a way through them. If you are having troubling thoughts that feel out of control or are interrupting the quality of your day-to-day life, it may be time for professional help.

If you're dreaming about death, it may be a signal that you are feeling anxious or stressed. Try to identify what's causing your anxiety and take steps to solve the issue before things get worse.

Incest and animals

I had a dream about an insect, and it was the most terrifying thing that had ever happened to me. More than any other event in my life, this situation really made me think about how valuable sleep is. And it's not just because of what can happen when you don't get enough sleep; there are plenty of intangible effects as well. Whether or not your dreams have anything to do with reality doesn't matter-everyone needs their rest! Especially dream about ants can be terrifying.

If you have ever had a dream about insects, it could be a sign of some unresolved conflict in your life. This blog post is designed to help you better understand what these dreams may mean and how they can affect people's lives. If you dream about eating dog food or dog bite, there may be a fake friend in your surroundings since the dog symbol means friendships and loyalty!


So what does this all mean? As we've learned, dreams aren't as literal as they seem. But there's still a lot to take away from them and the insights that come with interpreting your own dream. The best way for you or someone else to interpret their own dream is by looking at recurring themes in their life and comparing those to the symbols in their dream. Understanding how our brain works can be hard sometimes, but hopefully, now you're one step closer! For instance, if you had a dream about running from the police, symbolically, it means you are avoiding some problems or hiding from them, instead of being chased by real police. If you want help understanding any of these principles, let us know because we have experts ready and waiting to partner up with you on your next project.

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